Monday, February 4, 2013

Choices in Education... and Free WiFi for All! :-)

Update: I referred to "free WiFi for all" based on what I read in this Washington Post article. But here's a link to an updated WP article by Cecilia Kang which clarifies five things about the public WiFi.

Choices. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em, right John? Lol. (just kidding)

Changes--such as allowing home-schoolers to participate in school leagues--should be embraced. Changing the system to allow MORE choices for home-schoolers (and online e-learners, etc.) is a good thing and will benefit communities overall.

Brick and mortar schools, as we know them, may become obsolete within the next 20 years & then the argument will become irrelevant anyhow. Check out the future. And here's a direct link to the Khan Academy website.

As online education & home schools become more common, traditional schools will be wise to welcome the notion of offering a ‘buffet’ of choices for each and every k-12 student who wants to participate in ANY public school activity. Public schools need to be 'big tent' institutions and attract diverse students, part-time students, remote students, and yes, even home-school students who just want the extracurricular activities.

Remote learning opportunities will eventually permeate throughout our educational system and the changes they bring will be unstoppable, John. You’ll see. This article in your paper may help connect the dots for how remote learning (from home or k-12 institutions) could soon grow & thrive.

So quit being the 'choice police' as well as a nattering nabob of negativism. ;-D

When we come together to achieve common goals, everyone benefits and programs are strengthened. Welcome the change that allows expanded choices for others.

JollyP :-)

P.S. I home-schooled my own kids for 10 years (non-religious reasons).

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