Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ugh! Malkin the Mocker

Michelle Malkin (a conservative blogger) attempts to parody Michelle Obama’s dancing (with Jimmy Fallon), but actually Malkin is just showing her mean and ugly personality--and she can't even dance. On top of that, her ‘Finger of Blame’ move is much more characteristic of the typical republican. Just look at common nicknames they use every day: ObamaCare (as if it was a bad thing), the ObamaQuester (as if the sequester was his fault--actually, the republican majority of congress passed it), the ‘Diggie’ (referring to Obama’s “spending sinkhole,” when it was Bush’s wars that plummeted us into that hole). Malkin’s mockery is repulsive, immature and insulting…but very typical of a right-wing blowhard.

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